Monday, May 30, 2011

Lex & Henny's Journey

We drove our daughter and her horse to her summer working position yesterday - yes my baby is gone for 10 weeks on her adventure!  She started a blog to document her days and post progress pictures of her horse, Hennessy.  She will be living with and working for our trainer, who is originally from the UK.  Our trainer has 3 horses on her property, so Lex will be working with our trainer's horses, as well as her own.  Our trainer is an eventer, married with no children, 3 dogs, and a dozen baby chickens.  She has an indoor arena, as well as an outdoor, plus some open land to ride on.

Lex will be traveling with our trainer today to set up for a rated dressage show taking place next weekend in her area.  I am sure 6 am came very early for my teenage daughter :)  If you want to check out her blog, here is the link:

I will miss her - but will get to see her once a week, either at home for a day off or at a show.  Hoping she has a fabulous time!

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

That is awesome. What a great experience for her. I'll check out her blog when I get some time. :)