This was our 2nd Rolex and it did not disappoint! We only attended Friday & Saturday - next year, thinking about trying for 3 days. What is not to love about Rolex? Where else can you watch Dressage, X-Country, and Stadium Jumping, be surrounded by horse lovers, run into fellow bloggers and friends, and shop all things equestrian?
Friday was a gorgeous day - had me wishing we had reserved open air seats, but you don't know months ahead that is not going to rain. Since I had watched live stream Dressage all day Thursday, I knew the test but it was great to watch in person. We spent some time warm-up side to watch, up close and personal - as well as lots of seat time. I kinda missed the commentary though of watching on my computer. The daughter and I could not resist getting in a little shopping (scored one of the Smart Pak Piper T-Shirts for 20% off! Love), plus some free wine tasting from two local wineries, and a little beer sampling from local craft breweries. Great that the daughter is now 21!
My amazing husband took these dressage photos from the stands - row X - which if you have been there is almost to the top of the covered seats!
Friday night was spent at dinner with a couple of former boarding barn friends at Red State BBQ - seriously, miss that place. We made some life long friends in our one year of living in KY and it was
so fun to spend time catching up. And the food...wonderful :)
great to see them!

Saturday the forecast was rain, rain, and more rain with a chance of severe weather. We were prepared with rain ponchos and water-proof boots - so it did not stop my daughter and me from shopping and watching the x-country action on the jumbo tron in the covered arena. Scored a boot bag for my tall boots, a schooling whip, a pair of Noble Outfitter socks, and some treats for Riva. Signed up for all the drawings and picked up some sample products. My husband was out taking photos of the x-country action till about noon...then joined us since he was soaked despite the rain gear. We did go out and walk some of the course after the last rider went - thankfully the rain had stopped for the moment. Amazing to climb those jumps - gives me a whole new appreciation for eventers!
Despite the rain, he got some incredible pics!

Sunday morning, we stopped at a Georgetown McDonald's for breakfast before heading home. Could not believe our luck that our former boarding barn owners were there having breakfast before they headed to a reining show! We got to talk with them and catch up on how their horses are doing - great couple that we miss seeing on a daily basis.

Heritage Horse Farm - Georgetown, KY
For those of you who have never been to Rolex, I highly recommend making the trip. We have been to Equine Affair in Ohio once and many times to our local Hoosier Horse Expo, but everything at Rolex is for the Dressage, X-Country, Stadium enthusiast. Georgetown / Lexington, KY is a wonderful place to visit!
Until next year...