My daughter texted me this morning with this message "Happy Saddle Getting Day!". Only a fellow equestrian would think to do that...thanks Alexis! The long awaited County Connection Dressage Saddle is on a brown truck on its way to our barn - at least according to UPS tracking (of which I have been stalking for 3 days). Tonight, I get to test drive this - happy dance!
I have been so fortunate to ride in a County jump saddle, not sure which model, since mid-October. I have very generous barn owners that allowed me to borrow one of theirs till I was able to get a saddle for Riva. Riding for 3 months in a jump saddle or in a bare back pad has done wonders for my position and posture. I am excited to ride in a dressage saddle again and see if the changes stick. I know my leg has 'lenghtened- can tell that by the holes I have been able to move to in the leathers.
I will get some pictures this evening of the Diva in her fancy new 'clothes'.
In training news, Riva and I have begun to go from this -
to this -
This past Tuesday, I felt Riva's back lift up under my seat, while in a stretchy trot, for the first time ever. It was the coolest feeling!! And I had a witness (just in case I was imaging it). My husband was watching and confirmed what I was feeling.
I am feeling the benefits of the lunge and in hand work we have been doing - it is finally carrying over to the under saddle work. Riva is getting very sharp on the lunge, responding very quickly to just voice commands. Since I posted the lunge video, she is now coming down - almost immediately - to walk when asked. Her canter is faster and more uphill, which carries over to the trot.
I also began incorporating in hand work, in to our warm up, about 2 weeks ago. Just basic walk off briskly when asked, trotting in hand, yielding to pressure at the girth, turns on the forehand, halts and backing. I have to give much thanks to my husband for help with the in hand - he is better with this than I...with Riva's height, I struggle to hold both reins and keep contact on the outside rein. I have 'handed the reins' to him, the past few days, for the in hand work. He is great with Riva and really has gotten her responsive again.
Which has all led to the improvement under saddle. We struggle with indoor arena riding. Riva doesn't like it - I don't like it. But we live in Indiana - the land of rain and mud in
April January! So ride indoors we must. But this week has been a week of change, for the better. Riva is responsive and forward - happy ears and attitude. I did have to adjust her attitude once last night by jumping off, doing a quick 'listen here'! in hand work, but got right back on and continued working...with a Very forward Riva.
On to An Award!
Thank you to
slowandsteadysmilerwinstherace for honoring me with the

Love Amy's blog and we had the opportunity to meet this fall at a show. Her Steady is a handsome guy and very talented. Can not wait to see them out and about at shows this season.
Liebster means “dearest” in German, and the award is intended to help up-and-coming blogs get the attention they deserve. Here are the rules:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award
3. Pick your five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
4. Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs!
I, too, tried to pick blogs that have not already received this award. So here are my five fav blogs, in no particular order:
My daughter's blog :) She is the reason I have Riva and my # 1 trainer. Watch for updated posts from her in February, when she gets back from Florida.
I just know Emme's mom and I would be the best of friends if we were at the same barn! She and her daughter share a fab mare and I always enjoy reading the latest.
Even though Mona rides an Arab and I ride a Warmblood, they are both Mares...need I say more?!
Rose and Riva are the same age and of similar breeding. Always something relateable to me on her posts.
Suzie's blog is one of the first I started reading...and now I am a certified blog stalker :) Echo is black and white - and I have a real thing for any animal that is black and white. (just ask my family...I soooo want a black and white chicken!)
Now...will 4 pm ever get here today?