An Award!!! Thank you to Karen at finalchapter-karen for nominating me!

I have been such a slacker at blogging since we moved - but I am still out there riding 6 days a week :)
So on to The Questions!
Mares or Geldings?
Will have to go with Mares, in part because the Diva would be very angry if I did not!
English or Western?
Only Western I have ever done is trail riding at rent by the hour stables when I was younger. I did show a couple of times in Western Pleasure classes back when we were leasing a POA for my daughter - did not have a clue what I was doing. So will go with English!
Do you prefer Younger or Older Horses?
We have had a variety - purchased Riva as a yearling, Cheers as a 7 yr old, and Hennessy as a 13 yr old. They all have their advantages & disadvantages, but I like that we have been able to train Riva from a very young age.
Have you Trained a Horse from Ground Zero?
Yes, if you make ground zero a yearling. We purchased Riva just after she turned one - and she had not been taught anything prior to that...had not been trailer loaded, bathed, any ground manners, etc. It has been a learning experience - being green on green!
Riding or Ground Work?
I spent two years doing ground work with Riva - lounging, ground driving, in hand, before I sat on her the first time. I prefer to ride, but still lounge as needed and work some in hand.
Do You Board Your Horse Or Keep Him/Her At Home?
Board. We have never lived where there is land but we would like to at some point. I am under no illusion though! I know it will be a tremendous amount of work and it may never happen.
Do You Use All Natural Products or Commercial?
All Tacked Up or Bareback?
Sorry, but this question made me think of the Gretchen Wilson song - All Jacked Up! Random pic of me with the queen of Southern Country Rock:
Anyway, tacked up. I do occasionally ride the Diva around with no tack and she is very comfy - nice wide flat back and I can finally canter bareback!
Equestrian Role Model?
My daughter/trainer! She has come so far and pushes me every time she gives me a lesson.
What is Your One Main Goal While Being in the Horse World?
It changes all the time! To keep learning and progressing in Dressage. To be the best horse owner to Riva I possibly can be. To someday ride a freestyle dressage routine in competition. That was 3, but oh well!
Five Blogs I nominate for the Sunshine Award:
Jen at Cob Jockey
Emme at I Pick Crazy ipickcrazy
Carly at Poor Woman showing poorwomanshowing
Jessica at Hopeful Jumpers jessandprinceofthieves
Mona at Panic and the Pony panicandthepony
Go check out these great blogs and the wonderful women who write them!